The main objective of the library is not just limited to let people have access to the literary world of books alone, but in a broader aspect, elevate above fiction and fantasy reading, though novels are certainly a stepping stone towards getting attracted towards book world. Thus, keeping this in view the inclination of the library is more as a resource combined with pleasure reading.
The aim to focus nature and environment is primarily to let people understand the importance of our natural surroundings for our well being, as the price we are paying due to our negligence and ignorance of it, is leading us at such a stage where our survival is at stake.
To supplement this, screening of documentaries & films generally on nature and environment is done for members as well as non members. Our effort in future will combine various activities related to reading and ecology.
As an effort to let people understand issues regarding environment & implications of today’s consumerism, we offer on-demand, paid-up subscription of ‘
The reference books cover almost every aspect of nature. Be it Birds, Marine life, Rocks and Minerals, Shells, Mammals, Reptiles, Flowers, Agriculture, Continents, Celestial objects and so on. Our other books cover a range of subjects comprising of informative and resourceful books which gives a reader pleasure of substance and in-depth reading. Similar is the case with periodicals. The collection of magazines at Carvi are the ones which are rarely found at newspaper stalls. They are dedicated to specific subjects like Students – Parents, Nature, Environment and other literary magazines for substance reading.
The Diwali feast includes selected Marathi special Diwali issues, which makes the most chunk of reading amongst Marathi people.
Though we understand the importance of internet in today’s e-world, yet it cannot substitute printed words and the books which represent them.